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it's tough
that's why it works

Boost your income immediately with our licence free workouts! teach in any location or venue, worldwide.

We are not a virtual, streamed or home workout, our tracks are taught live, by real coaches and instructors.

Teach classes on the beach, park, terrace or gym. No equipment needed and earn more per hour than a PT!

A simple 1-day certification course enables you to access and download over 100 workouts, with free media pack and exercise technique library for only €9.99

Click here for course dates

1-Day Metafit course (level 2 ETM, Fitness or PT qualified only)

  • Mobilisation, Activation and dynamic warm ups
  • Metabolic effects and Fat burning. Busting the myths, Core not Abs
  • Interval and Tabata techniques
  • Bodyweight training progressions and regressions
  • Teaching the Metafit 30 minute workout - practical session
  • Easy to use Metafit App for music, instructional videos and more!
  • Media, Fresh Track Downloads & customisable Marketing Material every month!

Course Fee - €170

Once you're certified sign up for Monthly Music Downloads, Workout Videos, Mobile App, Marketing and more for €9.99 per month